Few fish were caught but they were nicely spread as all the 5 boys managed to hook a Kirbister brownie which tasted lovely on the barbecue on the last day...
Even though the trout were very reluctant to take either bait or fly, there were a few highlights during our trip:
Robbie, who was on a mission to catch a trout with his grandad's rod and flies, persevered the whole afternoon, through the rain and haar but couldn't quite tempt those finicky little trout! Robbie will definitely have to try again next year!
James also displayed a lot of determination and even though he was rewarded on the last day with a lovely trout (see video), his immaculate casting style deserved a lot more! Not sure what he enjoyed the most however... Was it catching his trout or eating it? ;-)
I would like to thank Jim Erskine for his time and expertise, Andy Rose for his enthusiasm and good humour and Derek Smith for keeping a watchful eye on the youngsters during a particularly wet afternoon! I'm also very grateful to Papdale Halls who kindly hosted our group over the three days and the Orkney Trout Fishing Association whose generous financial contribution helped a lot towards the minibus hire.
The last word of thanks, and not the least, is to our youngsters who have not only showed an exemplary behaviour on the trip, but also the right attitude to angling, persevering through the rain, trying different methods, learning from the coaches' experience, always friendly and yet respectful.
Mr P.
(For more photos and other "Troot in the Shed" posts, visit: http://trootintheshed.wordpress.com/)
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