Stronsay Junior High School -
Stronsay -
Orkney Islands, KW172AE -
Tel: (01857) 616 246 -
Head Teacher: Dr Petra McLay -
I’m glad to say that our mini-hatchery project is running again at the Stronsay School for the 7th year! For this session, most of the supervision of the ova and maintenance of the equipment will be covered by Jamie and Johnny; they also attend the AFYD (Angling For Youth Development) classes and their interest and expertise in “trouty” matters will insure the project is a success!
The fertilised ova were delivered last week and so far, only 3 dead eggs have been removed. They were probably ova which became damaged during collection at the hatchery or even during transport in the thermos flask on-board the Loganair Islander during a particularly bumpy flight last Friday!
The set-up for our hatchery remains very similar to the one used in the previous years (dark shed with no heating source). However, the old hand-made tank gave up the ghost at the end of the 2016 session and we are very grateful to the Stronsay Development Trust for funding a replacement for our equipment (new tank, pumps and nets).
More photos and posts to come as the ova develop…
For more details regarding the "Troot in the Shed Project", why don't you visit its dedicated blog by clicking on:
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