Friday, 19 December 2014

Christmas Concert

Science experiment (by the Upper Primary)

Science experiment report

This term our topic is food in Upper Primary. So far we have been looking up foods from different places in the world. We’ve also been looking at labels on food packaging and learning about nutrition and the human body. For homework we each got given a food area like fat and vitamins. Then we had to make a poster about it.
On Wednesday 3rd December we went into Mrs Rose’s science lab. We were doing a science experiment on how many calories are in the food.
Mrs Rose, who is our science teacher, kindly let us into her science lab to burn some food for our food topic. She told us what we needed to get and lots of other stuff. She gave us safety instructions like how to light the Bunsen burner. We burnt 3 types of food (e.g. spaghetti, prawn crackers etc.) to find out how much energy was in the food. We burnt the food to see how much the temperature of the water in the test tube rose. We recorded it on our result tables to find out what food had the most energy.
The burning food made a lot of smoke which set off the fire alarm twice in five minutes. We didn’t get our final results properly because of the fire alarm going off.
We thought it was fun and we learned how to measure energy in calories without using the label. We learned how to set up and use equipment safely.
We would like to thank Mrs Rose for letting us use the science lab.


Book Fair at the Stronsay School

Book Fair! By Upper Primary

In November Lewis, Mikey, John, Philip and Erik started to plan the book fair.
Philip and John made a treasure hunt with riddles.
Mikey made a guess who? He had to crop pictures of a book character and print it out. We made quizzes and we organised a raffle. Erik made some decorations and he had to blow up balloons for decorating. We did some posters for the book fair. Gaynor made 2 cakes.
Parents and Community were invited to the book fair on Friday 28th November. There were loads and loads of books as well as stationery and posters at the book fair. Everyone liked the treasure hunt, guess who and the free raffle etc. The pupils also got to come to school in their pyjamas. At the kitchen Arna and Wilma were handing out hot chocolate, cookies, tea, coffee and juice. We all thought it was fabulous. Fraser thought it was “epicabulous” and Elizabeth thought it was “AMAZING”. The total amount raised was a whopping £560.36. Stronsay school will receive 40% commission for new books in the library. We would like to thank everyone who was involved in the book fair and those who came and helped us make lots of money.



Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Christmas Jumper Day 2014

Dear Parent/Carer,
On Friday 12 December we’re inviting all pupils to take part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day.
Everyone will be asked to wear their silliest, sparkliest or cosiest Christmas woollies and make a donation of £1, or whatever they can give, to help save children’s lives around the world. If your child doesn’t have a festive sweater already, just dig out a plain jumper and decorate it with tinsel, baubles or homemade snowflakes.
This year, there’ll be double the jumper joy as the UK government has pledged to match every pound you give to Save the Children over Christmas – effectively doubling your support. What better reason could there be to join in?
You can also visit the event website at: 
and learn more about Save the Children at:
We’d really appreciate your help to make Christmas Jumper Day a huge success.
With your support we’re looking forward to a woolly fun day!
With thanks and best wishes,

Mrs Evans

Staffing news!

We're glad to announce that Miss Deavin will be starting her role as English/Support for Learning teacher from 5th January 2015.

In the Upper Primary, Lauren Copland will be covering from January till March on Monday and Tuesday and Mairi will cover the rest of the week.