Friday, 26 May 2017

Book Fair at the Stronsay School (25/05/2017)

The Scholastic School Book Fair is run by the pupils as an opportunity to experience leadership.  This year two P7 pupils organised the fair, Eoan and Fraser.  They chose an animal theme for us this year and we saw a host of animals attending from ladybirds to triceratops!  Other pupils helped run free competitions and provide complimentary refreshments.  Millie, Robbie, Lilly, Mrs Dennison and Ella were among the winners of the competitions.  Once again it was great to see the Fair so well attended and initial indications are that we have sold over £400 of goods which entitles the school to an amazing 40% in rewards to spend on books.

Thank you so much to everyone who attended, to Andy for helping the pupils with refreshments, Gaynor assisting on the till, Nursery for lending us some toys to occupy our younger clientele, Mr. Pietri as our photographer, Mrs Dennison and Sheena for encouraging our young leaders and Jennifer for providing a float.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Book token prizes for Primary

Back in Term 2, three members of Lower Primary had the opportunity to take part in a colouring competition to help raise awareness about antibiotics.  The competition was run by the NHS and their entries were exhibited in the Balfour Hospital.

The children did so well with their entries they each won a £10 book voucher and also  won a £50 voucher for the school.  The children helped Mrs Evans pick the books to buy for the school which are now in the school library for everyone to enjoy!